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Остання редакція: 2023-11-12
Тези доповіді
One of the most pressing ecological problems of the modern world is the negative impact of the high number of cars that use petroleum as their main source of energy. The automotive industry has expanded rapidly in the past decades, especially in developing countries, where the demand for personal mobility and transportation is high. However, this expansion has also brought significant environmental and social costs. Cars that use petroleum are responsible for a large share of the global CO2 emissions and air pollution, which contribute to climate change and affect human health. According to the International Energy Agency, transport accounted for 24% of the total CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in 2016, and road vehicles represented 74% of that share. Climate change, in turn, can lead to various health problems, such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, injuries and deaths from extreme weather events, infectious diseases transmitted by vectors or water, foodborne illnesses, and mental health issues. Furthermore, cars that use petroleum consume a finite and non-renewable resource, which increases the dependency on oil producing countries and creates geopolitical tensions. Additionally, the high number of cars on the road’s causes traffic congestion and parking problems in many urban areas, which reduce the quality of life and productivity of the inhabitants. Therefore, it is imperative to find alternative and sustainable solutions to address the ecological problems caused by the high number of cars that use petroleum.
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